Last Updated on May 13, 2023 by
What is the Best Shotgun Choke For Hunting Turkey?
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Patternmaster Code Black Choke
When turkey hunting season peeks out its head, you don’t want to be caught with the wrong bullets. Not to fret: we’ve got you covered with a list of our top picks to use when hunting turkey.
The Code Black Turkey Choke Tube by PatternMaster is designed to deliver effective headshots on turkeys at the maximum shotgun range. The visual difference is the color. Classic tubes are either Silver or Black Nitride. Code Black tubes are Bronze Titanium. Code Black tubes produce consistent patterns with short shot strings by allowing the shot to exit the barrel before the wad.
The PatternMaster Code Black Turkey Choke Tube is used with ammunition designed for turkey hunting, such as lead, copper, and lead combination. Also, Hevi-Shot and FLITECONTROL wads. They are not for use with shotgun slugs or steel shot. The tube’s tight constriction, plus the wad stripping technology, results in dense patterns covering a turkey’s neck and head at a long range. Tubes extend out from the muzzle and have unique canoe porting that reduces muzzle jump.
[4.8 out of 5]
Carlson’s Long Beard XR Choke
Carlson’s Long Beard XR Turkey Choke Tubes are specifically designed for turkey hunting with Winchester Long Beard Turkey shotgun shells that feature Shot-Lok Technology. This dynamic duo keeps leading shot nearly perfectly round for super tight, long-range patterns. Carlson’s Long Beard XR Turkey Choke Tubes deliver devastating headshots at well over 50 yards.
Ported to help reduce muzzle jump and re-oil
Designed to get optimum performance from Winchester Long Beard ammo
For use with lead, TSS, Hevi-Shot, Bismuth, and Steel shot #4 and smaller
Made from Heat treated Stainless Steel.
[4.8 out of 5]
MOJO Fatal Shot Choke
Using state-of-the-art computerized pattern analysis machines allows accurate results. It is getting the best performance out of the shotgun. It was proven in the lab, on the computer, in the field, and on the Shooting ranges. It’s not a theory; it’s a proven advantage. These chokes are designed to hold patterns longer and produce a consistent point of impact. They feature a non-ported tube design for a constant point of impact with all loads and deliver denser, more uniform patterns at all shotgun ranges. This results in quicker and cleaner kills.
A custom choke tube at off-the-shelf pricing and Convenience are Proven to deliver denser, more uniform patterns and a consistent point of impact, which means quicker, Cleaner, and more kills. Eliminates the need for multiple chokes – each choke will shoot the lead shot, steel shot, heavier than lead shot and Buckshot. The chokes are made in the USA from the finest 17-4ph stainless steel and feature a convenient grip for tool-less changing.
The Mojo Fatal Shot chokes also come with a lifetime guarantee.
[4.4 out of 5]
A versatile hunter always has versatile hunting gear. Every time I go hunting, I always keep in mind the nature of the prey. It makes my hunt much more accessible and successful. Some searches are close to home, while others are far away. As an adult, I had several opportunities to try a variety of hunting games. I used different hunting equipment. This includes a bow, crossbow, rifle, and shotgun. The first one in the five stages of a hunter’s development, I believe. While doing that, I discovered different kinds of shotgun chokes and their respective preys. Through hundreds and thousands of shots, I learned not just to find but to analyze all of the shotgun chokes and their separate hunting preys. It would help if you never shot through a barrel without a choke because it might damage the threading.
What to look for in a turkey choke tube?
The number of pellets in the kill zone is a crucial factor in turkey hunting. The general rule of thumb is to create a dense pellet, normally, 100 pellets in a circle of 10 inches. The reason is that turkeys are tougher than most birds. The shot must always be made down to the nervous system and half way down to the neck. This way you can have a clean and a quick kill. For the turkey, the “tighter the better” rule is usually applied. A choke system good within 20 to 40 yards should be used if a shotgun fails the purpose. The choke tubes must be interchangeable so that you can customize the load for different purposes.
Matching choke to your quarry is important
Every hunter knows not every gun is ideal for all targets. In order to decide a best choke for hunting, you need to consider the nature of the prey. A modified choke is best for hunting a small and swift bird closer in the field. On the other hand, a full choke is a seamless choice to hunt a large, slow bird farther in the field. The following chart shows choke selections for different targets which can be helpful:
Quarry | Suitable choke (Based on distance from the quarry) |
Turkey | Full/Extra full choke |
Goose | Improved cylinder/modified |
Duck | Improved cylinder/modified |
Squirrel | Modified/full |
Quail | Improved cylinder/modified |
Which shotgun choke is best for hunting a large, slow bird, such as a turkey?
The best shotgun choke for hunting large, slow bird like turkey is full or super full tube.
•Why is it best for the purpose?
Keep in mind to avoid a modified choke. We need a shotgun choke that directs the bullet in the right direction. The reason for this is that a turkey is slower bird and will usually be at a far distance. Opting for a full shotgun choke is the only way to do that. A full shotgun choke gives more precision in a single shot and avoids multiple shots.
• Full choke for turkey
You will be able to knock down your prey in a single shot. All the hunters agree that a tighter choke tube gives a more extended shooting range. A choke tube with a constriction of 0.030 inch is enough to knock down a turkey at the range of 30-40 yards.
Which two shotgun chokes are best for hunting small fast close birds?
The two shotgun chokes that are best for hunting small, fast, close birds are the improved cylinder and the modified, for excellent shot precision.
•Why they are best for hunting small, fast, close birds?
The tiny birds are swift and we need extra precision while shooting. A deviation of even a few millimeters will result in a missing shot. The improved cylinder is the most open shotgun choke. It ensures that the bullet travels faster and hits the target instantaneously. The cylinder chokes do not have any constriction at all. This gives a broad shot pattern and allows the bullets to spread quickly at a closer range. Hence, it increases the chance of hitting the target. Improved cylinders increase the accuracy while the modified chokes cause a deep penetration. It is important to always carry this type of shotgun if you want precision and accuracy in your shot.
Which shotgun choke has the tightest shot pattern?
A shotgun choke is tapered constriction into the end of the barrel of the gun. Shotgun chokes have a variety of sizes and determine how tight the bullet pattern will be. A full choke delivers a tightest constriction giving you high accuracy. It usually has a constriction of 0.030 inches and extends up to 30-40 yards range with in a 30 inch radius. The full choke constricts the bullet when discharged from the barrel. Thus the lead bullets won’t spread as wide like with full cylinder or modified chokes. Hence it is ideal for hunting turkey and squirrel. Usually the chokes will have notches in them. A full choke has 1 notch which you can check without taking it out. There are some specialized extra full chokes which give much more accuracy and higher precision than any other choke.
What shotgun choke is best for slugs?
This is why, knowing which type of shotgun to use is important. A choke tube with little or no constriction is ideal to use with slugs. A cylinder or improved cylinder choke is best for this purpose. These have a large enough diameter which cause no damage to the barrel of the gun neither harm the person firing. Shooting a slug with a very constricted choke can lead to negative results. I recommend never to use a full choke in this purpose which has a tighter constriction as mentioned above.